
Monday, May 30, 2011

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  • !� V �!
    Apr 29, 05:36 PM
    Please also replace those crappy black white icons with colored ones.What is wrong with colors? Is lion color-alergic??

    What is odd is that Apple has these great IPS screen on the iMac, ACD and the have gone with a neutral scheme to focus on the content.

    I still preferred the "pinstripes" of Mac OS 10.0, loved the eye-candy and the rainbow of colours.

    Neutral is alright, just want some colour back into the GUI. Then again you will always have those who will never agree with anything. ;)

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  • glocke12
    May 4, 07:53 PM
    I, on the other hand, am very anti-gun.

    However, even I got a chuckle out of the bumper that read, Guns kill people, like spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat.

    But then I thought about it ... spoons are eating utensils ... perhaps we should call guns killing utensils.

    Are you truly anti-gun or have you just not been exposed to them so that you understand how fun it is:

    1) Use a shotgun to shoot clay targets;

    2) Shoot a rifle, pistol or revolver and realize how much fun it is to shoot a gun and hit your paper target, bowling pin or tin can;

    There has been a person or two that when I met them claimed they were very anti-gun, yet I was eventually able to get them out to shoot some of mine and they not only enjoyed themselves, but one of them actually took up skeet shooting as a hobby.

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  • TheSlush
    Apr 15, 01:17 PM
    Kind of inspired by... ? LOL


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  • eric_n_dfw
    Oct 28, 06:48 PM
    Not really. There are from time to time fixes that are noticed in Darwin and ported back to FreeBSD by others, but Apple have a history of not getting involved with the projects from where they take code. The stuff about the kernel is especially weird, that's still the area where Apple and FreeBSD differ the most.

    Interesting. So does Apple just put their stuff up under ASPL and let the FreeBSD commiters sift through it?

    I figured when they hired Mr. BSD, Jordan Hubbard, back in 2001 they be more active in pushing stuff back out to BSD.

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  • sin cara wrestler.

  • ctdonath
    Oct 1, 04:12 PM
    But England moreso than other regions. The notion has been fully internalized by the population at large.
    You're just making history up. There is no allodial title to land in US law.
    So what's your theory about why the American Colonists got so uppity? Yes, we do not have formal allodial title, but cultural attitude is that we do (or at least a close proximity), and insofar as we don't it's more a matter of "protection money" than "belongs to the government". Tell an American his government "owns" his property and he'll laugh at you.
    There's enough space.
    Not within 20 miles of 1 Infinite Loop.

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  • zephxiii
    Jan 8, 11:04 AM
    Interesting that the original post in this thread states that it is indeed an LTE Verizon iPhone. That seems to coincide with the video of the parts that were leaked on youtube a couple days ago, showing a sim card slot on the new phone. I think I read somewhere that LTE phones require a sim card, and also, LTE is capable of simultaneous voice/data. The stars seem to be aligning.

    The sim slot doesn't prove LTE, if anything it proves international GSM/HSPA roaming.

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  • CaoCao
    Apr 18, 11:20 PM
    oh my stars and garters, please don't get me started...

    it's nice that the word is getting out tho, and people are waking up. took me long enough!

    What about the absolutely peaceful Muslims brutally attacked out of nowhere by rapacious imperialist crusaders who wanted to savagely impose their religion upon the tolerant and free society?

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  • MagicBoy
    Mar 24, 08:18 PM
    It's drifting off topic. I'm not going to turn a "Happy Birthday OS X" thread into a the time honoured "Windows sucks" debate. If anyone wants to discuss it then I suggest they create a new thread called "Windows vs Mac part 677249 (cont)"

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  • emotion
    Oct 17, 10:17 AM
    As a consumer I'm trying as hard as possible to sit this one out. :mad:

    Which isn't that hard though, let's face it.

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  • Kwill
    Apr 6, 05:56 PM
    Novel concept: Non-stop commercials. Perhaps actual movies will be played during intermission.

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  • Anthony T
    Apr 16, 08:52 AM
    I don't see how the writing on the iPhone is crooked or whatever, maybe I'm blind. The photo looks real. But I hope it's not, and if it is real, I hope that's just a prototype, because I don't like the square shape and the angular edges on the back.

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  • sin cara wrestler no mask.

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 27, 04:17 PM
    Am I the only one to think that separate restroom from men and women are an obsolete relic of the past?

    You're not. Look back a bit, for one of my posts.

    Just knock out the wall between, put stalls where urinals are, and you're done.

    Bonus: You now have both an entrance and an exit.

    I r analyst. :D

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 15, 07:35 PM
    What's CST? I honestly have no idea. Actually, the entire sentence is confusing, could you clarify?

    California Standards Test also known as STAR.

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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Aug 2, 07:12 AM
    Apple Gets French Support in Music Compatibility Case

    Published: July 29, 2006

    PARIS, July 28 � The French constitutional council, the country�s highest judicial body, has declared major aspects of the so-called iPod law unconstitutional, undermining some controversial aspects of the legislation.

    � Apple�s lawyers might want to drink a glass of French Champagne today, but not a whole bottle,� said Dominique Menard, partner at the Lovells law firm and a specialist in intellectual property. �The constitutional council has highlighted fundamental protections for intellectual property in such a way as to put iTunes a little further from risk of the French law.�

    Released late Thursday, the council�s 12-page legal finding made frequent reference to the 1789 Declaration on Human Rights and concluded that the law violated the constitutional protections of property.

    The decision affects Apple�s market-dominant iTunes Music Store by undermining the government�s original intention, which was to force Apple and others to sell music online that would be playable on any device. Apple�s iPod is the only portable music device that can play music purchased on iTunes, which lead rivals to complain about anti-competitive practices.

    Although the ruling could still require companies like Apple to make music sold online to be compatible with other hand-held devices, it said that the companies could not be forced to do so without receiving compensation. The council also eliminated reduced fines for file sharing.

    �The constitutional council effectively highlighted the importance of intellectual property rights,� Mr. Menard said, emphasizing that Apple and other companies must be paid for sharing their copy-protection technology.

    The law, which had been approved by the French Senate and National Assembly last month, was brought for review at the demand of more than 100 members of the National Assembly. The council�s review of whether the law fits within the French Constitution�s framework is one of the final steps before a law is promulgated. It now could take effect as altered by the council or the government could bring it once more before the Parliament.

    The French minister of culture, Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, advocated enforced interoperability as a way to ensure diverse cultural offerings on the Internet by limiting technical constraints on digital works.

    While the constitutional council highlighted the need for compensation, it was not such good news for Apple and other companies that the principle of forced interoperability remained in place, said Jean-Baptiste Soufron, legal director of the Association of Audionautes, a group opposed to copy restrictions.

    �It is good news for Apple because they receive monetary compensation, but much bigger bad news if it forces them to license iTunes,� he said. Link (requires login) (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/29/technology/29music.html?_r=4&ref=business&oref=slogin&oref=slogin&oref=login&oref=slogin)

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  • quagmire
    Jul 27, 12:27 PM
    This is why I do not see "electric cars" gaining mainstream popularity any time soon.

    Me neither. Anyone hoping the volt would be priced below $30k was on something, IMHO. I was personally hoping for $35-37K due that $7500 tax credit would make the volt a bit more appealing. That lease offering doesn't look bad though. I wonder what are the terms of the lease.

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  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 21, 04:58 PM
    Microsoft only paid a dividend when their share growth stagnated.

    Apple on the other hand has had stellar share growth recently so there is really no need to pay dividends.

    It isn't a question of "need." It's still a good idea, for the reasons I've stated.

    Also, AAPL has not had "stellar" growth this year. It was actually down for the YTD until recently.

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  • Tibbar
    Apr 5, 02:21 PM
    My friend got back to me, and here's what he said:

    "I am very familiar with the Xbox support scenario, and I can tell you that a call center agent would have no idea about the last IP address of a Xbox Live user. If Microsoft chose to log and aggregate this information, its currently not exposed for any support use. I'd recommend that he call Microsoft and have them disable the Live account, and file an insurance claim for the hardware and cut his losses."

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  • snakelda
    Apr 4, 01:13 PM
    oh, and if the internet provider is giving you the run-around.

    go here, type in the IP address and it'll tell you exactly where the server is that they are connected to. It gives you the IP latitude and IP longitutde.

    tell them that it is being connected at this server location and they'll be able to location exactly which hub it's being connected at and .. yea. trace the burgulars home down..

    its says I'm from Phoenix but I"m not from there.....or is that where my ISP is from?

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  • sin cara wrestler no mask.

  • dr_lha
    Oct 17, 09:58 AM
    Before people start quoting VHS vs Betamax, can people use actual facts rather than urban legends?

    For example: Betamax being superior to VHS is a myth, most people cannot tell the difference between the two formats. Read this excellent article:


    The real reason VHS beat Betamax is the following:

    1. VHS had longer tapes, Betamax's tapes were smaller, and Sony had difficulty coming out with larger capacity tapes. Faced with one system that's standard tapes could record 1 hour and one that could do 3 hours, most people chose the latter (VHS).

    2. Sony's tight grip on the Betamax format kept prices high and innovation low. VHS decks were cheaper and made by more manufacturers, and hence consumers had more choice.

    3. The porn industry chose VHS.

    Aug 15, 12:11 AM
    Ooooh! great, it will be good to get the points on our team from that 465!

    thanks. so far this thing is smoking. but it is using different units. i'm not sure what the ppd for the card itself is, but it's gotta be 10K ppd or more.

    2 more :eek: farout man! how do you afford all that hahaha!

    well only 1 465 gtx. the other was just another 9800 GT. but when i run 3 of them in the same computer, one of them overheats - to 104C! but if i take one out, then it runs fine

    Apr 15, 05:10 PM
    Google should sort out their Android media player before trying to wangle record deals.

    No gapless playback makes my iPhone 3G live to fight another day as an iPod.

    Sep 12, 07:29 AM
    I'm in Washington D.C. (8:24am EST) and just tried going into iTMS and there's a black page, with white text, announcing "It's Showtime. The iTunes Store is being updated." Here come the movies!
    i just tried the same with the swedish store, and its down :)
    maby this will be a world event afterall!!

    Jan 9, 01:07 PM
    not free?

    boooooo hisssss....

    Sep 12, 07:22 AM
    brushed aluminium nano = good
    no storage bump = bad

    Yeah, I'd like a Nano with a form facto like the Mini except thinner with all metal enclosure. The Minis are tough, the Nanos feel cheap and don't take the same beating as a Mini. Considering the Mini is HD based and the Nano is flash based I think that says something. I (personally) don't care about a video iPod, I'd much prefer a Nano with video cappability as the video would only be a time filler for me waiting for appointments, etc.

    As to "It's Showtime!" I'm afraid the general Apple/Mac population may be dissapointed. I have no inside information, simply a feeling based on what has or hasn't been said in the many forums.

    In terms of devices for the masses, Apples been in a lull. They need to keep pulling rabitts out of the hat to impress people and drive sales.
    The iPods and iTunes are tops but eventually they've got to address the biggest iPod issue and that's battery life. It's poor even for the flashed based units.
    I listen to my iPod mostly at night. Granted the sound quality is not equal, but I cab get at least 4, 8-hour nights out of one AA battery in a RIO S10, 256K (or something), but only 2 nights out of a 1 gig shuffle or 4 gig Mini.

    Other manufactures, especially Sony seem to be able to get incredible battery life. I understand there are differences in bitrate and coding involved, but it doesn't seem to account for the large discrepency in battery life.

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