
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

funny pictures retards

funny pictures retards. funny pictures retards. funny
  • funny pictures retards. funny

  • French iPod
    Apr 9, 10:13 AM

    Pokemon DSI, with pokemon black for �99 \M/

    O.o i love the packaging :D it's so black:p never played a pokemon game since the gold edition on my gameboy color and i was around 14...

    anyway i'm going to get my Just Cause 2 copy today @ EBGAMES so freaking exciting squeee:D

    funny pictures retards. Syrius Amis#39; image browser
  • Syrius Amis#39; image browser

  • robbieduncan
    Apr 21, 10:41 AM
    Interesting. Although I suspect open to abuse (particularly in PRSI). Also they don't visually line up well with the other buttons...

    funny pictures retards. Retards (xmarine1973) Tags:
  • Retards (xmarine1973) Tags:

  • MattSepeta
    May 4, 04:04 PM
    Why is someone bothered if the question itself does no harm. Grow up or change doctors if you don't like to be asked questions. This law is about as anti-libertarian and useless government intrusion as it gets.

    Yep. You summed it up well.

    funny pictures retards. demotivational poster retards sometimes may as well home rssprevious Any jealousy funny the most jul,
  • demotivational poster retards sometimes may as well home rssprevious Any jealousy funny the most jul,

  • Charlie Sheen
    Mar 24, 03:22 PM
    and the birthday present is lion :D


    funny pictures retards. funny pictures retards.
  • funny pictures retards.

  • billchase2
    Oct 10, 06:35 PM
    :D i knew i didn't buy a new ipod yet for a reason...

    my money is going towards one of these...

    funny pictures retards. Funny Pictures Retards
  • Funny Pictures Retards

  • roadbloc
    Mar 6, 03:14 PM
    No they don't. They just attempt to copy (often badly), then license universally and flood the market with a lot junk that includes a ton of different models at very low price points.

    The scary thing is is that you actually believe this nonsense.


    funny pictures retards. retard
  • retard

  • snakelda
    Mar 17, 11:03 PM
    I don't really get that much but every now and then I do and it's pretty annoying

    funny pictures retards. funny pictures retards.
  • funny pictures retards.

  • i0Nic
    Jan 10, 10:59 AM
    iPhone will be release in Australia within the next month (end of Feb by the latest) only on the Telstra network. Unfortunately Telstra has exclusive rights for the iPhone, so the product will be awesome (e.g. being Apple) but the service provider will be crap....

    At my work we got a demo of the iPhone from Telstra for development reasons, we will be supplying data for a few of the services for the iPhone in Australia.

    Umm is this for real? I would've thought Australia wouldn't get the iPhone until the 3G version is out.

    I think I will still hold out for the next version, even though I am keen on getting an iphone.


    funny pictures retards. RETARDS. We all know one
  • RETARDS. We all know one

  • G4DP
    Jan 15, 04:57 PM
    Can somebody tell me why there was no update or price drop on ACD? Why is the PRO market left to the most critical point and then updated? Mac Pro is the best example. Its a brilliant machine now but 2 weeks ago? Some of the parts were 2 years old and they still charged the same amount of money for it. Dell, HP etc. are releasing new and updated displays whilst Apple ...........sleeps?

    It's not just the displays. The MacPro was still left a little short. Don't get me wrong, they are brilliant machines, my 2.8x8 is brilliant, but only 2GB RAM is a kick in the teeth for a Pro workstation.

    Especially when this MacBookFart comes with 2GB as standard. Having said that Steve priority is purely creating products for the Disney store now.

    Shame really.

    funny pictures retards. funny pictures retards. +posters+funny+retards; +posters+funny+retards. ham_man. Sep 13, 12:35 AM. Is their site ironically slow or is that just me?
  • funny pictures retards. +posters+funny+retards; +posters+funny+retards. ham_man. Sep 13, 12:35 AM. Is their site ironically slow or is that just me?

  • x86isslow
    Oct 6, 10:30 PM
    The device should now be the focus. The service should be an afterthought in the background.

    that's called an iPod touch - not a phone


    funny pictures retards. funny pictures retards.
  • funny pictures retards.

  • palmerc2
    Apr 25, 12:50 PM
    Curiouser and curiouser.

    If it's a fake, whoever did it did a pretty interesting job on it.

    It looks plausible.

    I mean we had:

    iphone 3g
    iphone 3gs

    why not
    iphone 4
    iphone 4gs

    Which would give incentive for people to go for the white one I guess.

    then the 5 comes out later?

    I feel calling the 2nd iPhone an iPhone 3G was dumb, but I guess they had no choice. They finally caught up so now it's the iPhone 4, which is the 4th generation.....I think that for now on it will be iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8, etc...

    funny pictures retards. Funny Pictures / Retards.
  • Funny Pictures / Retards.

  • *LTD*
    Apr 22, 06:56 PM
    Whereas I agree with your post entirely, I get the feeling that you wouldn't be saying this if Apple were the only ones not to collect such data. You have bashed Google many times for the amount of data it collects, but as soon as Apple is to be seen to be doing it, it's all cool. A "non-issue.":rolleyes:

    Don't worry, I usually slag on the competition for entirely different reasons.

    And quite frankly, if I ever bashed Google for the data they collect, I shouldn't have. Because in practice, it's completely harmless.

    I *did* bash them for Google Buzz. Mostly because it was just annoying and there was no way to turn it off (not easily, at least.)


    funny pictures retards. funny pictures retards. Retards. Category: Funny; Retards. Category: Funny. Liquorpuki. Mar 14, 08:27 PM
  • funny pictures retards. Retards. Category: Funny; Retards. Category: Funny. Liquorpuki. Mar 14, 08:27 PM

  • jake4ever
    Apr 5, 10:00 PM
    4.2.6 required!? But I hate to update.. :(

    funny pictures retards. TAGS: george bush retard
  • TAGS: george bush retard

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 26, 07:24 AM
    Oh sounds very exciting! Can't wait, hoping it word fine :D


    funny pictures retards. funny pictures retards. Strong Retard | Funny; Strong Retard | Funny. theBB. Sep 20, 12:32 PM. Here is my wishlist:
  • funny pictures retards. Strong Retard | Funny; Strong Retard | Funny. theBB. Sep 20, 12:32 PM. Here is my wishlist:

  • RichP
    Oct 19, 11:11 AM
    Two can play at that game. I still have the 400 shares I bought in 1997.

    Do the math. :)

    Damn! Can only wonder what it cost back then..those were dark days back then...

    funny pictures retards. funny pictures retards.
  • funny pictures retards.

  • Drag'nGT
    Oct 6, 12:08 PM
    Isn't Verizon's 4G network going to be GSM?

    on another note if it is wouldn't their coverage also be spotty?

    Verizon bought many different CDMA companies that didn't take off during the early years of cell phones. Because of that, they have infrastructure that can be upgraded. In other words, they have towers in those areas that shaded red. CDMA or GSM doesn't matter so much as having a tower in the area to put equipment on. So no, the upgrade to 4G will not cause spotty coverage.


    funny pictures retards. funny pictures retards. funny nazi retards on german; funny nazi retards on german. cambox. Apr 13, 12:20 PM
  • funny pictures retards. funny nazi retards on german; funny nazi retards on german. cambox. Apr 13, 12:20 PM

  • kvizzel
    Mar 17, 05:44 AM
    That's messed up.

    The kid is going to have to pay.

    You know, karma is a bitch.

    funny pictures retards. silly funny owls retards
  • silly funny owls retards

  • bobthedino
    May 2, 09:45 AM
    Any word on whether there'll be an update for iPhone 3G users? The highest version of iOS they can use currently is 4.2.1, which presumably has the location cache problems too?

    funny pictures retards. RETARDS

  • MacBoobsPro
    Sep 12, 07:52 AM
    i just get a broken link from itunes and the apple site.. no black showtime screen.. but hey.. somethings happening!! :D

    Same here

    Nov 16, 07:28 AM
    DigiTimes' track record is amazingly bad. You'd think they'd be right more often just by guessing.

    Jan 12, 04:51 AM
    blah blah blah...

    You see, this is my point. Zero criticism. Steve Jobs s***s on a stage and you all gather around to share the love.

    If it's an iPod first then why's it got such ****** capacity? Why's it called the iPhone? Seriously, are you a genuine music producer that's happy to walk around with just 8 gigs worth of music?

    I don't carry around a 400 gig seagate hard drive - I carry around a 60 gig iPod because it does a great job. I don't have whatever phone you were talking about because I don't need a phone with a crappy mp3 player - I have an iPod. I'm guessing the price you quote is without a contract too.

    This thing costs so much because Jobs knows you people will buy anything he tells you to. Seriously people, is it so bad to question things?

    Revolution? Tell me when it starts.

    Jan 5, 09:35 AM
    There is also no guarantee that the link will be active during the keynote (aka live) .

    Oh, no...I don't think much of anyone expects there to be live coverage. They did away with that some time ago. But the QT archived video should be up within a few hours after the keynote ends.

    Chef Medeski
    Nov 25, 05:57 PM
    $100 off MacBook. I wish I had bought.

    Jan 15, 02:34 PM
    Second MW in a row with disappointing new stuff that I have no use for and not a mention of stuff that I can use. I'll just wait out the next two or three weeks hoping for a silent MBP refresh.

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