
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

selena gomez hair 2011

selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez straight hair
  • selena gomez straight hair

  • sunfast
    Sep 25, 12:43 PM
    The reasons people HATE this new version so much:

    1. It adds a lot of features and answers requests.

    2. It's a free update.

    3. This is a photography event, and people were caught off guard when Apple showed their photography product, despite the Aperture image right on the invitation.

    4. Apple never releases hardware on Tuesdays, so there is no hope for any MacBook Pro updates tomorrow.

    5. There will never be another chance for new MacBook Pros. We now know that the current models will be sold forever and ever, even after Apple goes out of business, which will happen by the end of the year.


    This is a FANTASTIC post.

    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:46 AM
    2. New iPods. Wide-screen iPod with 720x480 resolution, perfect for wide-screen DVD quality movies. Touch interface. New Nano's, all-metal casing, 4 colors, up to 8GB. All available starting today.

    Probably not. They'll release new nanos after the student rebate is over.

    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • arn
    Oct 2, 05:13 PM
    The DMCA would have nothing to do with this. This doesn't remove any copy prevention, it adds it. I just can't see what anyone would want to do with this technology.

    Napster/Amazon would want this technology so they could sell their music/movies to anyone with an iPod.

    It's not like Napster necessarily choose WMA DRM. They couldn't license Fairplay from Apple.


    Napster (and Vongo, never heard of them) couldn't do that. Fairplay doesn't have any time limit. If you buy a song from the iTunes Music Store, it will work forever (or as long as Apple Computer exists). If you have a Napster subscription, and Napster made it possible that you download a song and add the Fairplay DRM to it, then iTunes would play it today and forever.

    you may be right about that. subscription services might not be useable at the moment.


    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011. iJon. May 2, 01:31 AM. Oh yeah, the game is over.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011. iJon. May 2, 01:31 AM. Oh yeah, the game is over.

  • Bloodstar
    Apr 13, 03:24 PM

    Never took a picture of it, so... here it is. Still my most recent.


    selena gomez hair 2011. Selena Gomez Long Hair 2011.
  • Selena Gomez Long Hair 2011.

  • demallien
    Oct 5, 04:58 AM
    Essentially, the FairPlay system is one that implies a certain amount of trust. Once you authorize a machine all of the purchased tracks from that account on the machines can be decrypted. Even if they are not on the machine at the time of the authorization and the machine is not on the network at the time (I have played back encrypted videos on DVD-R on my iBook while it was not on the 'net.)

    I'm pretty sure that that's not how FairPlay works. I think it goes something like this...

    When iTunes tries to play a protected media file, it asks for an ID of the device that it is trying to play on (serial number, or something like that). Each media file contains a list of devices for which it has been authorised. If the current device is not in this list, iTunes offers the possibility to add the device to the list of devices authorised for this media file. There is a limit of five devices for any given media file.

    In principle, you could put an encrypted file onto a service like [website name removed], and it could be used by millions of people. Of course, you would have to be an idiot to do so, because your ID is embedded in the file, allowing the legal eagles to nab you. And of course, anyone USING the file runs the risk of iTunes calling home to notify Apple if it detects a known pirated file...

    Apple gives you the option to clear the list of authorised devices for all files in an iTunes library once a year.

    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • Geckotek
    Dec 20, 11:49 AM
    Yes I'm well aware of China Mobile's vast GSM Edge network. But this is a 3g phone. So that 558 Million actually doesn't count given that it would be like giving the phone to T-Mobile knowing that they can't support 3g. And Apple doesn't pull moves like that since it would open them up for lawsuits (if someone unlocks on their own, that's on them).

    The real numbers to look at are 152 Million valid GSM 3g subscribers against 178 Million CDMA customers. And no contract prohibiting having a phone for both. So again, if this is about making money, why didn't they make a CDMA phone for that second group. Assuming they are open to having a CDMA iphone at all.

    You can't add. That would be 152M GSM 3G subscribers vs 85M CDMA subscribers. And to answer the last question, probably because they had a GSM phone all ready to go.

    And on what basis would someone have a lawsuit? Because the phone has more capability than the network????? Sorry, no basis for a lawsuit there. That just makes no sense.

    I don't think China has much interest in the iPhone.

    We're talking about China specifically.

    Edit: DOH! You changed your post. (actually, Apple had problems keeping up w/ demand in China)


    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez hair 2011. selena
  • selena gomez hair 2011. selena

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Oct 2, 03:40 PM
    You'd expect Jobs would have some sympathy for the guy, what with his phreaking days before Apple.

    ATM, Apple is making its money on the hardware device, so this really shouldn't hurt their profits too much, even if it does hurt the Store. Would it really be so bad if there were dozens of stores that sold content for (effectively) only the iPod? When Apple will freak out is when the Zune plays Fairplay content. With Microsoft flooding the market with billions of dollars of losses to kill its competition, don't expect this to take too long.

    Apple is still committed to DRM. When they offer Apple Lossless files for download with CD-writing still enabled then I'll accept that Apple is DRM-ambivalent. Right now they aren't. And with $2 TV shows the bandwidth argument no longer holds water.

    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez hair 2011.
  • selena gomez hair 2011.

  • Zadillo
    Oct 10, 09:19 PM
    While I don't know about Engadget's "reliable" Apple sources, their reliable Microsoft sources gave em everything about the Zune, even a PICTURE.

    So don't dismiss this, it's Page 1 worthy, but it's also not more than 50% likely, as it would be if this was AppleInsider we were talking about.

    Well, the difference there is that Microsoft used Engadget and others as part of their marketing campaign - "leaking" product information and photos to them to try and drum up interest. They did the same thing before with their "leaks" of Origami to try and build up hype. Of course, Zune seems to have gained more traction than UMPC (perhaps because the Zune is basically using a model that has been proven successful by the iPod).

    Apple on the other hand just doesn't seem to leak product information ahead of time any more, and they also don't seem to need to do that kind of thing to generate hype and excitement for their products.



    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 16, 01:43 AM
    Next up, Google gives away songs for free. Inserts targeted ads every 30 seconds of music. Fandroids flood the Web to tell us all how awesome Android and "free" Google music are and what a greedy jerk Steve Jobs is for selling songs.

    You know it's coming.

    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • Coolerking
    Sep 12, 08:37 AM
    Yes, you can dream. Dream it you ********** dreamers.

    LOL! Nice


    selena gomez hair 2011. Haircuts selena gomez hair
  • Haircuts selena gomez hair

  • Truffy
    Mar 25, 04:33 AM
    My first Mac (G4 Cube) came with both OS9 and Cheetah. OS X was barely usable then (to a non-propellorhead newbie), and I started mainly with the old OS. God how that looks tired now. For me, OS X didn't really start until Panther.

    I still have that Cube. Great little computer!

    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • milo
    Sep 12, 07:29 AM
    If it's just Disney, then there's not much point. The reason iTMS succeeded from the start was that it was simple and it had the largest library from which you could purchase single songs. If the iTunes Movie store starts with just Disney movies, then it's dead in the water. Let's just hope that ThinkSecret is wrong again, as usual.

    WRONG. The video (TV) store only had ABC when it first started, and it still sold a million videos in 20 days or so. Look at it now. And even the music store didn't have everything right away.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it's just disney, or not much more. Virtually ALL the rumor sites are reporting this, ThinkSecret is just repeating what they hear elsewhere.

    Maybe, but to impact the market, you need a critical mass. Didn't iTMS have 200,000-300,000 songs when it opened?

    Who else is? Anyway, my point was more that if Disney is all the iTunes Movie Store has to offer, it will look like a huge marketing failure, and the media will feed on it... If it's true, expect predictions of Apple's pending demise on Wednesday...

    See above. The TV store only started with ABC, and it's considered a big success. It's simple, if the Disney movies sell like hotcakes, the other studios will all jump on the bandwagon. Just like TV.

    I believe that an airport extreme, or 802.11g is plenty fast to stream High-def Video, and shouldn't apple change the name of itunes at this point, since it is now a multimedia piece of software?

    I think it's too late, it would be really stupid to throw away such strong branding.

    New Nanos with SAME capacity?? - No, thanks...

    What makes you think that? The rumors say no new features, but it would be pretty unthinkable not to bump capacity after so long.


    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • Abstract
    Sep 25, 05:09 PM
    Sorry, but Apple released Aperture BEFORE Adobe did the same with its app...so it's easier to have a clone of Apple's app, not the opposite...:rolleyes:

    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • Monkey194545
    Dec 13, 10:31 AM
    This is utter ********. The experience is key, and LTE hardware is nowhere near advanced enough to guarantee the experience that Apple would demand for a device the stature of the iPhone.

    Remember: we're talking about the company that withheld phone wallpapers on the Original and 3G iPhones because the experience would have been several milliseconds too slow.

    Fact: Verizon is not expecting LTE-capable hardware until mid-2011. There's no way Apple magically has an LTE phone ready to go while everyone else won't have one for 6 months.

    Fact: Apple declined to integrate 3G into the iPhone when 3G was already available, because the hardware wasn't power-efficent enough. One of the main distinguishing features of the iPhone is its battery life. They're not going to tarnish that image by hacking first-generation, power-hogging LTE hardware into the phone, in ADDITION to CDMA, which is another radio tech they're only now deploying.

    These sources are full of ****. QED.

    On your first point: It is also the company that came out with the iphone 4 and its antenna problems.

    Your second point: Don't you think Verizon would take the oppurtunity to give apple what they really want over the Android phones: The first 4g phone on Verizon network. That would be a huge advantage. Just because the network isnt fully up yet doesn't mean Verizon couldn't have given apple the tech to make a 4g iphone. Verizon see android phone sales dropping and know that an iphone would boost sales by a huge amount.

    Your third point: It would only be one chip, read the article for reference. How do you know how much battery it uses? It may be only a small amount more than 3g. Att's 3g sucked when the 3g iphone came out. It still sucks. Don't underestimate apple and verizon. You may be surprised!

    Edit: By no means am a I acknowledging the merit or lack there of of this article


    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • JackAxe
    Mar 24, 06:11 PM
    Happy birthday to Apple's 'ONLY' good OS! :)

    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • airforce1
    May 2, 10:48 AM
    I can see how this update will have "battery life improvements" now that the phone is not going to be tracking our movements 24/7 even when all location services are shut off.

    i cant wait to see the IPS of all these apple techs here posting to support their agenda, Congress already is laughing


    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair
  • selena gomez short hair

  • T-Will
    Apr 5, 05:21 PM
    I couldn't care less if you like the app or download it, what I <sarcasm>LOVE</sarcasm> is Apple's spin that this app is a "celebration of advertising". :rolleyes:

    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez short hair 2011.
  • selena gomez short hair 2011.

  • hob
    Nov 16, 07:44 AM
    The Register reports (http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/11/16/apple_amd_laptop_claim/) that Apple may be developing an AMD based solution, although details are very sketchy at this moment in time.

    As they say, Core 2 Duo still has the lead, but there is the fact that AMD just bought ATI... Apple may prefer to get more bits from one supplier...


    selena gomez hair 2011. selena gomez hair short bob.
  • selena gomez hair short bob.

  • RawBert
    Apr 8, 02:05 PM
    Just purchase the iPad 2 at store.apple.com.

    & **** Best Buy!

    Oct 20, 09:59 AM
    When will we see these numbers broken out into business/enterprise vs. consumer?

    Seriously, Apple is pretty much a non-factor in the enterprise. There simply is no integration, no large-scale server application use other than web, and few enterprise-ready applications. There's no Biztalk/Websphere/SQL/Oracle running on Apple outside of a few educational institutions. Microsoft and IBM own the enterprise and considering Apple in an enterprise outside of some limited marketing/advertising/media/audio verticals is absurd. I personally deal with 130 companies that have 500-250k computers and Apple is simply not a factor at all.

    However, in the consumer world it's a very different story. Apple has the potential to continue making huge inroads into the consumer/home user/SOHO segments where the lack of enterprise applications means little if anything.

    I'd like to see the numbers of how Apple compares in the home segment rather than just the overall. Why can't we see this broken out?

    Hmm...well another thread mentioned a survey that something like 18% of consumers are considering buying a Mac. I'll bet in the lasest quarter, Apple broke 10% in the consumer market. This is a good strategy for Apple. Macs have a chance to make inroads in the consumer market, whereas they have no chance in the corporate market. Even things like XServe and XRaid are marketed to industries where the Apple is still relatively strong (e.g. video production, scientific research).

    Aug 6, 11:21 PM
    I think the Volt is a technological dead-end given the steep US$41,000 price and the fact your car is lugging around a big bank of batteries as deadweight.

    As an aside, expect a lot more turbodiesel cars in the US market over the next few years. Reason: the new Euro 6 emissions standard coming into force starting in 2014. Since Euro 6 is very similar to the EPA Tier 2 Bin 5 emissions standard and many automotive manufacturers want to get their turbodiesel engines Euro 6-compliant as soon as possible, that means it will be soon very easy for European cars with turbodiesel engines to be 50-state certified for US sale. There are rumors that a new generation of Euro 6-compliant turbodiesels being developed at Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and BMW will likely be offered in the USA as early as the 2012 calendar year.

    Oct 11, 12:11 AM
    At this point, ill believe it when it happens

    Well personally, I'll fervently believe in it, until it happens, at which point I will stop believing in it at all.

    May 4, 04:30 AM
    If I could only find a personal use beyond web browsing.

    Congratulations, you understood the main purpose of the iPad. Add Plants vs Zombies, Shredder Chess HD and a Comic Book reader and you've essentially discovered everything that can be done with the gadget. For everything else, it's too big to be a truly mobile device like a smartphone and too weak and restricted to replace a real computer.

    But yes, at least the ads are great and really work the "magic". The only problem is that you won't stay in Wonderland with your iPad, and in the real world, it's just a nice toy for a couple of minutes but not really good for anything.

    Jan 10, 10:50 PM
    Wow- imagine if someone had the button pressing capability of shifting to Steve's next slide during his keynote. He's building suspense, toying with us, and bam. Revealed. On to next slide, hold, next slide, finally A/V guy turns projector off.
    No SDK for you! 1 year!
    Hahaha, that would be hilarious! C'mon guys, seriously. No harm done.

    BTW, in your sig: its spelled "psyche", not "sike". ;) But yeah, I did a double-take at that. :D

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