
Monday, May 30, 2011

cutest love quotes from songs

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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 15, 02:29 PM
    How is "gay history" different than regular history? lol

    They make sure to point out the people in history who were gay and made some kind of difference. Make sure kids know that gay people have been around forever and have helped shape our world just like straight people have. You read enough about a President being married in history class, you never read about how a mayor was gay. Kind of like Black history month or women's studies. Make sure to point out that other people besides white, straight males have made history.

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  • Surely
    Apr 21, 11:25 AM
    I voted Skunk's post as well so that accounts for one vote.

    But if you voted skunk's post and so did I, it should go up to +2. And then if I vote negative, it should go down to 0, not -1.

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  • kdarling
    Dec 13, 04:58 PM
    On the other hand, this could be a false rumor slipped by the competition to hurt Christmas time sales of the iPhone 4.

    Could be lots of things.

    Could be a false rumor to hurt Christmas sales of Android and WP7 phones.

    Or a bit of false info used internally by Apple to ferret out leaks.

    Most likely though, it's just a rumor to gain attention :)

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  • Banyan Bruce
    Apr 29, 04:03 PM
    What is this hideous faux leather iCal format ????? It's just like the truly awful wooden background that somehow crawled in to the iPad. Please think again on this. It will look abysmal on a large iMac or MBP screen. It looks like a child's toy. :o

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  • bruinsrme
    Oct 6, 11:35 AM
    It was a good message until they stated "Before you pick a phone, pick a network." That would be valid in an iPhone-less world. They would still be selling us phones based on a spinning CGI rendering of a phone's outer shell. "Look! A plastic candy bar! You like candy, don't you? Then you'll love our rectangular phone! Brand new features like rounded edges and three colors!"

    Apple changed the game. The device should now be the focus. The service should be an afterthought in the background.

    Why would anyone by something as expensive as an iPhone if the coverage is not as good As another carrier or existan at all? Yeah I want to pay $90 a month for a phone that doesn't work well in the area I spent most of my time in.

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  • ThomasJL
    Oct 19, 05:42 PM
    I am the first person to coin this term: iHome

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  • 3N16MA
    Mar 24, 07:21 PM
    Happy Birthday (yes I'm saying that to an OS). Wish I would have been part of OS X a lot earlier but I spent years, yes years contemplating which Mac to get and playing the waiting game.

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  • ctdonath
    Oct 1, 02:06 PM
    I live in one of fairly many Grade II Listed (http://www.heritage.co.uk/apavilions/glstb.html) buildings in the United Kingdom, much older but not quite as large as old Steve's, and there is no surprise when purchasing such a building that you are significantly restricted in what you can do to it.

    England has a very long history of common people being subject to the will & whim of the rich & powerful & connected.
    The USA exists precisely because some of those common people got tired of such treatment and made it clear they would do with their land what they saw fit.

    What is it about the past that you don't like, Jobs?

    How it gets in the way of the present & future.

    When people stop shelling out good money, time & resources of their own (not confiscated-at-gunpoint taxpayer funds) for old things, maybe it's time to stop preserving what people don't actually want and start replacing it. Remember, Apple does not maintain a "museum of past Apple products" because those products no longer sold are, by current standards, failures - they may have been great then, but nobody wants to put up their own money for them today.

    Yes, there is a valid argument and sociopolitical expenditure to preserve things which may not be of sustained current value. Question is where to draw the line. AFAIK, nobody actually wanted that house, and few are truly enamored by Spanish Revival architecture to a degree worth the substantial cost of preservation of such an example, and fewer still are truly enamored by the decedent who built it. The argument, IMHO, centers more around those wanting to either criticize Jobs at any opportunity, or whose relevance hinges on ability to find old homes they can spin as "historic".

    Suitable acreage is costly in that region. The cost of preserving the "interesting creation" far exceeds the cost of replacing it with another interesting creation; as none are interested in putting up the money to preserve the former, those interested in putting up the money to create the latter win.

    And yes, the old gives way to the new. Physical things are not important of themselves. It's not about wanton destruction for sake of destruction, it's about moving forward and removing obstacles thereto.

    cutest love quotes from songs. cute love quotes from songs.
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  • roadbloc
    Mar 14, 06:54 AM
    Garageband is a great product and is pretty innovative.

    I disagree. GarageBand is nothing but a mere childs toy compaired to the likes of Pro-Tools and the Ableton Suite. Even Logic (GarageBand for grown ups) is pretty damn basic compaired to what DigiDesign put into their products.

    Steve can say "This is not a toy!" in his demos as much as he likes. GarageBand is a toy.

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  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 04:10 AM
    What will it be where you are Chundles? :D

    About 2 hours prior to sparrow-fart.

    3am... can't wait to spend yet another late night in front of the computer waiting for Apple to release yet another product I can't afford.

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 23, 07:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)


    All you have shown is a deep-seated fear of advertising. And it's been stated that Apple doesn't actually collect this data, so it isn't even being used for iAds.

    How exactly, specifically, will this cell phone tower tracking info compromise your personal safety? What exactly is there to fear? There must be something more than targeted advertising, which is at best an annoyance you have to live with anyway.

    Some people just don't like to be tracked. If the data fell into to hands of an untoward person, then there might be an issue.

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  • Xenc
    Apr 30, 06:04 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Aw, the sunken buttons aren't as cool as the slider.

    cutest love quotes from songs. cutest love quotes from songs.
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  • Drinahn
    Sep 12, 08:04 AM
    or even a blogged feed? i was pretty impressed with macrumor's coverage of the WWDC last month, tho i guess we are not getting similar coverage today :(

    Doubt it. WWDC people can pay to get a seat - it's how it works. This event is a media only invite thing. I suspect that the guys at MacRumors aren't high on Apple's invite list. :-)

    Wow, it's been over a year since I logged in here. o.O

    cutest love quotes from songs. cute love quotes from songs.
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  • phuong
    Apr 10, 08:23 PM
    this case reminds me of the "apple walk of shame" last year, or the "p-p-p-powerbook case" back in 2004 (in the sense that you tell the story on the internet and other people give you suggestions, or share sympathy, or blah blah blah).

    at first i was gonna reply to this thread, but i decided not to. but now it's so big it even made its way to Digg. so i'm 99% sure you won't get your box back.

    not saying you're not careful (or negligent, whatever), but making such a big case out of it, and hoping there is no way the thieves would hear a thing about it... come on. even if there is a chance the thieves don't visit this site, their friends might do (or their friends' friends... and so on). fact is, it doesn't even have to be this site. it's all over google now. just type in "steal xbox" and the link to this topic will pop out right there. heck, who knows if tomorrow it'll be on CNN.

    you can't expect to pull off things like the p-p-p-powerbook prank while spilling information all over the place. sometimes it's good to spread the story. but definitely not this time. i suggest this topic being erased (or hidden) until the case is solved.

    just my 0.02.

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  • maflynn
    Apr 9, 06:53 PM
    I guess it depends what you call a "feature." They're not user-facing, and Apple didn't advertise them as features, but frankly I don't see how they're not features, even if they're under-the-hood. Anyway, here (http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2009/08/mac-os-x-10-6.ars/)'s 22 pages worth of new and improved stuff.

    I know they made lots of under the hood stuff, but nothing that entices the consumer to upgrade. Look at 10.5 and that had lots of stuff for the consumer.

    Now with the all the under the hood stuff that was changed, many of us were expecting more then just the "magic of the iPad" as they call it.

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  • Anonymous Freak
    Oct 12, 11:56 AM
    Nice try, SavMan. But I'm not buying your interesting yet psuedoscientific explanation for why 5G iPods only 'appear' to scratch more easily.

    White 5G iPods are just as easily scratched as the black ones, as any disappointed owner will tell you. I've had a 4G iPod for 2 years, carrying it back and forth to work in my pocket. I take it out of a Belkin case to recharge it, then put it back in for transport. The thing still looks practically new. I know someone else who purchased a new white 5G iPod. Within moments of gentle handling, the thing is covered with light scratches.

    It seems to me that a softer grade of acrylic is being used on these latest iPods. I'm not the only one who's noticed this problem. I don't believe that it's the result of some optical coincidence. Everyone knows that there are hundreds (if not thousands) of complaints to be found on the net.

    Whatever the reason is, a manufacturer who doesn't care what their customers have to say about their expensive products will soon find those customers flocking to other companies' products. Hellooooo Zune!

    And no amount of fanboy cheerleading will stop it.

    If you have a black nano or 5G iPod, try putting black electrical tape on the sides, covering the 'face' of acrylic. The scratches will seem significantly less obvious. I can attest that my 3G iPod (rounded corners) has just as many scratches as my white nano, and my 3G iPod was very well taken care of (always in its included case,) whereas my nano was usually just thrown in my pocket.

    SavMan's explanation seems to be a very good explanation. Not fanboyness. (If I did more than just listen to music on my nano, I'd probably be angry about the more obviousness of the scratches on it. But since I almost never look at the screen, it just doesn't bother me. Just like the scratches on the 3G's screen don't bother me.)

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  • puuukeey
    Jan 9, 01:34 PM

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  • secondhandloser
    Mar 11, 10:01 AM
    The click wheel interface was, in fact, a key element in the astounding (and that's putting it mildly) success of the iPod.

    I thought everyone knew this already. :confused:

    In case you haven't noticed, they've redefined computing almost overnight. They're now building on that. They've got the competition completely flummoxed. They're pushing the industry forward with their apparent non-innovations.

    I thought the iPod succeeded due to integration with an online music source, as well as finally being a useable HD based mp3 player.

    I wasn't aware computing had changed. Please detail this.

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  • Frosties
    Jul 21, 12:22 PM
    don't complain about the iPhone 4 unless YOU ACTUALLY HAVE AN iPHONE 4! Secondly, don't complain cuz you can make your bars disappear on your iPhone 4 unless you've EXPERIENCED PROBLEMS DURING NORMAL USE. Yes i can make my phone drop bars. Yes Apple screwed up some with the design or at least by giving everyone an "X" marks the spot.

    It's the typical internet forum user review problem. Any product be it a TV, stereo, vacuum cleaner or now a phone get more positive feedback than it is entitled to because the customer is satisfied and want the product to be perfect. That is why a user review often is "it's the best "named product category" I have ever had!

    Reviews are for prospective customers, that is why they exists! Naturally a potential customer wishes a product that he is interested in to be fixed if it has problems and faults as you yourself in the post above claims. Why sweep it under the rug?

    Apr 16, 04:51 PM
    Narrow-mindedness is an affront.


    affront |əˈfrənt|
    an action or remark that causes outrage or offense

    Apr 16, 01:07 PM
    I just want to sync my music. **** itunes **** what ever. I love bit torrent. I refuse to pay for music or movies.

    Proving, once again, you're an absolute wanker.

    Apr 15, 11:56 PM
    I dislike it when people keep saying that line over and over. Does competition really make products better? Where's the truth in that? If it's truly the case, why do we still see half-baked consumer products for the end user?


    It, like 'the free market always decides best' is simply and literally religious dogma.
    Competition as often as not results in a race to the bottom, just as the 'free market' is useless regarding life necessities (e.g. water or health care.)

    Apr 8, 06:42 PM
    Once I went to Best Buy to get a toslink cable with a mini plug end for my macbook. The employee in the department asked if I needed help. I responded that I need a toslink cable with a miniplug end rather than the regular. The employee in charge of the cable section had never heard of such a thing. I described it but the employee had this look that suggested I was confused. LOL

    Local retail would be worth a little extra cost if employees were actually trained to be knowledgable in the products. That would require paying decent wages to knowledgable staff. Sadly the retail outlets like to charge more and pay minimum wage to people who are expected to know the location of items on shelves and that's it. Most of the employees in Best Buy that I've encountered could have been replaced with grocery store clerks and the service would be the same. I'm not insulting the workers. Just pointing out the expectations of the clerks in these places. And of course if you want employees to be interested in the product line more, they should be paid more.

    They're supposed to be trained. There's a fairly expansive, albeit oftentimes overly general website focused solely on training employees for their given departments tech needs. They're supposed to be required courses. I had to go through quite a bit of testing and had to do a lot of training courses (despite not really needing them) before I got a blue shirt. Too bad I actually preferred the white shirt of the "in training" new employee. I guess I don't really like the stigma attached to the blue shirt...I honestly felt demoted when I got it.

    Nov 10, 03:44 AM
    I got it for the Xbox 360 yesterday at 8am (in the mail, that was still like 12ish hours before US because I'm in New Zealand) :)

    I got the Hardened Edition and I like the game so far. Will still play Modern Warfare 2 occasionally.

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