BMW M6 Convertible
For a mid-summer run on the Berkshire back roads to a Saturday evening performance by the Boston Symphony at Tanglewood, it would be difficult to beat my TTS roadster. The top was down, the stereo was pumping out classical tunes from Sirius satellite radio, and the brilliant red TTS was the best looking car on the road — though not so good looking as to attract the attention of any Massachusetts state police, who were anyway otherwise engaged directing concert-going traffic.
The “S” designation identifies the sport version of the well-known TT roadster. An $8,200 bump in the base price gets you a pumped-up version of Audi’s 2.0 liter turbocharged engine that puts out 265 horsepower (vs. 200 hp in the TT) as well as a host of appearance features like 19-inch 7 twin-spoke wheels. Audi doesn’t make any ugly cars, and the front end, with a body-colored bar bisecting the iconic horseshoe grille, is the brand’s best looking.
The Quattro all-wheel drive system keeps the TTS planted through the tightest curves, and acceleration at higher revs is impressive. There is one important performance exception, though: The turbo is slow to spool up at low engine turns, creating sponginess underfoot and uncertainty before you attain cruising speed. I eventually discovered that a slow, even throttle advancement produced better results than an impulsive stab. But I missed the feeling of power under pedal I remember from a Porsche Boxster.
With its stubby but refined bubble shape, the TT is a modern design classic whose looks are only improved in this latest version. And thank goodness Audi didn’t follow BMW by adding a power retractable hardtop. The TTS’s convertible fabric roof is as tight as it needs to be and raises and lowers in seconds, never impinging, needless to say, on the surprisingly commodious trunk.
Owning a TT is a very special experience these days. Only 951 new ones changed hands during the first half of the year, only a fraction of those were roadsters, and only a fraction of THOSE were ”S” roadsters. The $55,075 sticker price for my test car gives you one big clue why. Still, there is nothing else quite like it on the road, and I can begin to justify the purchase to myself if I think about it as an investment, like a mechanical Swiss watch, to be handed down to future generations.
Depending upon your point of view and your temperament, there's good news and bad news from Lexus regarding the convertible version of the Lexus IS. The good news is the car rounds out the IS lineup, as it is now comprised of a coupe, a convertible and two sedans.
The bad news is primarily for those who expected the sporting edge of the IS line to infuse the convertible as well. In that regard, like the Lexus SC430 before it, the IS C will appeal to the more genteel cruising segment as opposed to the rabid, corner carving, driving enthusiast. And while the marketing for the vehicle might lead you to believe otherwise, when it comes to performance, the IS-C is squarely on the softer side of Lexus.
Two engines and two transmissions are available for the IS C. A 204-horsepower V6 making 185 ft-lbs of torque is the base engine. This can be ordered with either a six-speed manual or a six-speed automatic transmission. The other choice is a 306-horsepower V6 that makes 277 ft-lbs of torque. This engine is offered exclusively with a six-speed automatic. Both offer the legendary smoothness for which Lexus is justifiably well-known.
The folding hardtop is the real story here. Stowing itself in the trunk in about 20 seconds, the top is constructed of aluminum and folds into three sections. When raised, the top doesn’t compromise headroom in the least. When stowed, there is still adequate trunk space for a couple to enjoy a weekend road trip.
It’s a Lexus, so naturally the list of standard equipment is lengthy, some of the highlights include, Bluetooth, power tilt and telescoping steering wheel and puddle lamps in the outside rear view mirrors. Options include the brilliant Marl Levinson audio system with navigation, wood trim, park assist, and rain sensing wipers.
And while the interior of the IS C might not blind one with blingage the way its LS & SC siblings do, it’s still quite the pleasant environment. Despite the coupe configuration, the back seat is spacious enough for two reasonably sized adults to ride comfortably for a short drive. Long distance touring might generate some issues, but quick jaunts around town shouldn’t be a problem at all. The back seat is easy to access as well. A power switch motors the front seats out of the way to let people step into the rear of the passenger compartment.
Interestingly, while the IS familial resemblance is palpable, the IS C shares but one panel with its sedan counterpart. Only the hood is interchangeable. The overall look of the car is pleasant, if not exactly thrilling. The beltline is a bit high for my tastes and some additional sculpting along the sides of the IS C would have added more interest to those broad, flat surfaces. Still, the cumulative look does speak to both luxury and exclusivity – even if you don’t see the stylized “L” badges.
On the road, as we alluded to before, this car is a lot happier cruising with the top down and the music up than it is being pushed to the limits of adhesion in the manner of a sports car. Lexus estimates just under six seconds to 60 with the 3.5 and just over eight seconds to 60 with the 2.5. And while the IS C’s 50/50 weight distribution does endow it with considerable agility, going topless reduced the structural rigidity of the body. If you push the IS C hard into a corner this manifests itself as a slightly mushy feeling. Nothing overtly troubling mind you, but it is apparent to anyone who tests cars for a living. Which could also explain why my attempts to get any word about a potential V8-powered IS C F model were met with assertions that nothing along those lines are in the plan.
However, the Lexus reps did show an F Sport version of the IS C with freer flowing intake and exhaust systems for the 3.5-liter engine. Additionally, there were suspension mods that made the car sit about an inch or so lower, 19-inch tires and wheels (17’s and 18’s come with the base cars) with cross-drilled brake rotors and beefier calipers. On the road, that version of the car felt quite a bit sharper, but none of the representatives present could tell me how much the kit added to the price, how much more power the engine made, or anything substantive about it at all really.
Assembled by TRD (Toyota Racing Development), the kit is available as a dealer-installed option.
But frankly, given that 90 percent of the people who’d consider this car are probably more likely to want to just style, chill, see, and be seen, the standard IS C is – in all likelihood – right on target. Many of you may recall the SC 430 generated similar comments when it was released back in 2002. (And yes, that car is about to be retired, though there’s been no word yet on a replacement for it. However, as well as it’s sold for Lexus, I can’t imagine there won’t be a replacement.)
But I digress.
The point is, product planners at Lexus know their market thoroughly, and you can bet the IS C was developed with their core audience well in mind.
2010 Lexus IS C
Base price: $38,490
Engine(s): 2.5-liter V6, 3.5-liter V6
Horsepower/torque: (2.5) 204@ 6400 rpm/185 ft-lbs @ 4800 rpm
(3.5) 306 @6400 rpm/277 ft-lbs@4800 rpm
Transmission(s): Six-speed manual, six-speed automatic
Drivetrain: Front engine/rear-wheel drive
Mazda Taiki Concept
Balapan Pakai Die-Cast, Yuk!
Suka balapan? Balapan die-cast di track set, yuk!
Buat yang demen sama die-cast kayaknya enggak mungkin deh kalau enggak kenal sama yang namanya track set. Soalnya berkat adanya track set ini, kita bisa balapan die-cast. Alhasil main die-cast pun jadi lebih seru!
Track set pada dasarnya adalah lintasan atau trek untuk meluncurkan mobil-mobilan die-cast. Bagian utama dari track set adalah lintasan alias treknya. Biasanya terbuat dari plastik, bisa lintasan tunggal atau lintasan kembar tergantung model track set-nya. Di sinilah nanti mobil-mobilan die-cast akan meluncur. Nah, karena bisa bisa meluncur dengan kencang, makanya track set memang rasanya pas buat balapan. Berbeda dari play set yang hanya untuk bermain role-play atau pura-pura menjadi sesuatu (sesuai dengan tema play set-nya).
Ada beberapa model track set. Yang paling sederhana adalah yang memanfaatkan gravitasi untuk meluncurkan die-cast-nya. Die-cast diluncurkan dari ujung trek yang tinggi agar dapat meluncur terus ke bawah. Ada juga yang menggunakan pelontar bertenaga karet. Paling canggih adalah trek yang pelontarnya berbentuk ban karet berputar di dua sisi trek di sebuah titik. Pelontar ini bertenaga batere. Die-cast yang melaluinya akan terlontar seiring dengan putaran ban karet ini.
Bentuk track set sendiri bermacam-macam. Ada yang hanya lurus, ada variasi tikungan, ada tanjakan, loop, dan sebagainya. Supaya menarik, track set seringkali punya berbagai hiasan tergantung temanya. Ada suasana hutan, dinosaurus, hiu dan lain-lain. Besarnya trek juga sangat bervariasi tergantung panjangnya trek dan variasi fitur. Asiknya, sekarang banyak track set semerek yang bisa disambung-sambung dengan track set lain. Misalnya, Hot Wheels Three Trick Set. Pokoknya track set jaman sekarang makin bervariasi jadi makin seru mainnya.
Jangan Asal Pilih
Salah pilih die-cast buat balapan, hasilnya memalukan!
Demen balapan die-cast di trek? Jangan sampai salah pilih model mobil die-cast, dong! Kalau asal-asalan dijamin balapan enggak bakalan sukses karena enggak semua mobil die-cast cocok untuk balap di trek. Kayak gimana yang cocok, ya? Nih, panduannya!
Pilih mobil die-cast yang bodinya ceper. Mobil die-cast dengan bentuk begini lebih stabil karena titik beratnya rendah, jadi enggak gampang keluar trek. Sebaliknya hindari mobil dengan bentuk bodi tinggi atau jangkung. Bodi tinggi enggak stabil dan gampang melejit keluar trek.
Mobil die-cast dengan bentuk bodi meruncing lebih sip di kecepatan tinggi karena bentuk begini bisa “mengiris” angin. Makin tipis dan meruncing bodinya, lebih baik karena hambatan udara lebih rendah (aerodinamis). Apalagi kalau treknya panjang.
Mobil dengan ban tanpa alur/kembangan bikin lebih menggigit trek. Mobil die-cast model jip dengan ban berkembangan kasar malah bikin licin di trek.
Enggak selamanya mobil berbodi ceper asik buat di trek. Sebisa mungkin, pilih yang bodinya enggak terlalu panjang. Soalnya, kalu terlalu panjang, justru bikin susah sukses melewati loop.
Pilih mobil die-cast yang bagian bawahnya terbuat dari logam. Ini akan membuat titk berat mobil lebih rendah yang mengakibatkan mobil jauh lebih stabil. Sebaliknya hindari mobil yang bagian bawahnya terbuat dari plastik dan bagian atasnya dari logam.
Untuk trek bertenaga batere, mobil die-cast dengan model sisi rata punya keuntungan, lho! Sisi yang rata akan membuat mobil lebih stabil “dijepit” pelontar dan akibatnya bikin mobil bisa melesat lebih baik.
Paling gampang, ada beberapa merk die-cast yang mengeluarkan varian jagoan trek. Misalnya Hot Wheels dengan seri Track Stars. Dijamin pasti jadi jagoan di trek! Selain itu, mobil die-cast bawaan trek (mobil hadiah trek) juga dijamin asik dibalapin!
ID : 0109
Produsen : Matchbox
Skala : 1:64
Stock : 1 pc
Hub : Rachmad Hidayat 081392161875 / (021)71363680
email : rachmadtama@gmail.com
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Negara Asal: Thailand
Harga: Rp. 25.000,00
ID : 0108
Produsen : Matchbox
Skala : 1:64
Stock : SOLD
Hub : Rachmad Hidayat 081392161875 / (021)71363680
email : rachmadtama@gmail.com
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Negara Asal: Thailand
Harga: Rp. 25.000,00
ID : 0107
Produsen : Matchbox
Skala : 1:64
Stock : 2 pc
Hub : Rachmad Hidayat 081392161875 / (021)71363680
email : rachmadtama@gmail.com
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Negara Asal: Thailand
Harga: Rp. 25.000,00
ID : 0106
Produsen : Matchbox
Skala : 1:64
Stock : 1 pc
Hub : Rachmad Hidayat 081392161875 / (021)71363680
email : rachmadtama@gmail.com
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Negara Asal: Thailand
Harga: Rp. 25.000,00
ID : 0105
Produsen : Matchbox
Skala : 1:64
Stock : 1 pc
Hub : Rachmad Hidayat 081392161875 / (021)71363680
email : rachmadtama@gmail.com
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Negara Asal: Thailand
Harga: Rp. 25.000,00
ID : 0104
Produsen : Matchbox
Skala : 1:64
Stock : 1 pc
Hub : Rachmad Hidayat 081392161875 / (021)71363680
email : rachmadtama@gmail.com
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Negara Asal: Thailand
Harga: Rp. 25.000,00
ID : 0103
Produsen : Matchbox
Type : 54 JAGUAR XK 120SE
Skala : 1:64
Stock : 1 pc
Hub : Rachmad Hidayat 081392161875 / (021)71363680
email : rachmadtama@gmail.com
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Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui transfer di Bank BCA 2291559508 a.n Rachmad Hidayat (setelah ditambah ongkos kirim)
Negara Asal: Thailand
Harga: Rp. 25.000,00